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The City arms

The City of Schwedt´s arms
The City of Schwedt´s arms

The City´s arms show a red castle on a silver background. Its wall socle disappears behind blue and silver waves. The connecting wall between the two lateral round steeples has a closed silver gate. Between the steeples hangs a silver shield with a red griffin.

The oldest descriptions of the Schwedt, arms originate from the 16th and 17th centuries. Over the course of time the appearance of the arms changed several times. Along with the griffin shield as a remembrance of the town´s former status as part of the dominion of the Pomeranian dukes, the castle with the steeples as a symbol of the town remained.

The City of Schwedt/Oder´s arms are protected as a municipal emblem and thus free use is not allowed. Only the city itself is authorized to show its arms on the official seal, on official documents and on official signs. As for further use, only the city can decide.

Along with these official uses the City of Schwedt/Oder sees its arms mainly as a sign of its own identity. However, their use requires permission. This is given by the city´s Public Relations Office (Town Hall, Room 3.73, Phone: +49 3332 446205) after reviewing the written application, including the intended purpose.
An exception is the presentation of the arms for artistic, arts and crafts, heraldic and scientific purposes as well as with the objective of lessons und civic education. Such use does not require permission and is therefore free for everybody.


Stadt Schwedt/Oder
Dr.-Theodor-Neubauer-Straße 5
D-16303 Schwedt/Oder
+49 3332 446-0
+49 3332 22116
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